
Original-Research: SMARTBROKER Holding AG - von NuWays AG

Einstufung von NuWays AG zu SMARTBROKER Holding AG

Unternehmen: SMARTBROKER Holding AG

ISIN: DE000A2GS609

Anlass der Studie: Update

Empfehlung: BUY

seit: 09.02.2024

Kursziel: 10.00

Kursziel auf Sicht von: 12 Monaten

Letzte Ratingänderung:

Analyst: Frederik Jarchow

Another difficult year ahead; chg

For the first time, Smartbroker Holding (SBH) reported monthly trading

stats which can be seen as starting point of the future of the Smartbroker.

Further, the longstanding Group CFO Roland Nicklaus will leave the company

in April. In detail:

The number of customers declined to 175k (-3% mom, excluding 79k deleted,

inactive customers, including c. 44k FondDiscount customers), which is

clearly a negative read considering the growth ambition. Positively, after

the deletion of inactive customers, the share of active customers should be

close to 100%, far above the industry average of 20-40% (eNuW), visible in

strong 25 trades p.a. per customer.

Only 0.36m executed transactions in January. While this is fully in line

with the avg number of monthly transactions throughout 2023, it is

disappointing given that January is usually one of the strongest months of

the year.

AuC declined to EUR 8.9bn (-5% mom, incl. c. EUR 0.6bn AuC at FondsDiscount),

despite the overall solid capital market performance in January, indicating

significant outflows. Positively, AuC per customer of EUR 51k is above levels

of neobrokers (c. EUR 7-10k).

Promising KPIŽs from the Media segment. In contrary to the Transaction

segment, the KPI development in the Media segment was sound: Site visits

increased by 7% mom to 227m and the number of unique users grew

substantially to 3.8m (26% mom).

CFO on the leave. SBH announced that Roland Nicklaus will leave the company

end of March after being with the company for 15 years. As he will remain

shareholder of SBH, member of the supervisory Board of the Smartbroker AG

and external advisor of the company, the effects should be limited.

Overall, the Smartbroker is still seen to be the growth driver of the

Group, as Smartbroker+ is offering a unique combination of the service

range of an established full-service broker at a neobroker pricing that

should drive customer inflows and transactions, fueled by the reach of the

proprietary media portals. For FY24e we now expect EUR 50m in sales and EUR

1.5m in EBITDA.

As the investment case remains intact, we reiterate our BUY with a reduced

PT of EUR 10, based on DCF.

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NuWays AG - Equity Research

Web: www.nuways-ag.com

Email: research@nuways-ag.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nuwaysag

Adresse: Mittelweg 16-17, 20148 Hamburg, Germany


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