Canada Nickel Company WKN: A2P0XC ISIN: CA13515Q1037 Kürzel: CNC Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

0,84 USD
±0,00 %±0,00
20. Sep, 23:20:00 Uhr, Nasdaq OTC
Kommentare 1.545
RudiRendite, 17.05.2024 17:10 Uhr
NICKEL NEWS 📢 1. Nickel back up to the upper end of the range – up to $20,000 – at our year-end forecast already! LME inventories have levelled out over the period, and the increase in copper and LME complex has provided support. 2. It is worth pointing out one key fact that is making this broader metal price move fairly unique. Typically, when $US strong are at highs, we see pressure on $US commodity prices. In fact, many historical metal price forecast models would utilize industrial production and trade-weighted $US exchange. The ast time we saw copper/metal prices at peak was in 2007/2008, 2010 – AUD and CAD were near par. Today, they are near typical cyclical lows. The big implication is when looking at AUD or CAD copper, gold, and nickel prices – trading at all-time highs in those currencies. 3. The first week of May is a big Asian holiday. Over the past two weeks, we have seen sulphate prices tick higher, and we are now trading at a small premium. Stainless, after being strong, took a pause and saw some inventory build, and prices came off a little. Ore availability in Indonesia/China is tighter than expected, leading to higher NPI prices and expectations of further increases this month, which led to tightening of the NPI price discount. 4. Geopolitics – the US slapped tariffs 25-100% on a range of critical materials and EVs from China. Trump criticized that didn’t put them high enough – underscores that governments will keep doing whatever it takes to ensure local supply – greatly benefits those of us lucky to have a local supply 5. Indonesia – some worries that high-grade reserves may run out sooner than later – governments brushed off – but it is a real concern. Again – Nickel industries grades at their mines dropped from >2% to 1.57% in just 3 years
grasiGrasmensch, 17.05.2024 14:48 Uhr
grasiGrasmensch, 17.05.2024 14:47 Uhr
Hoffentlich hauen die sich noch zwei Jahre lang auf die Glocke. 😁
RudiRendite, 15.05.2024 18:10 Uhr
France backs nickel refinery project to bolster battery supply chain France has a large nickel mining industry in its South Pacific territory of New Caledonia and KL1 is headed by Antonin Beurrier, a former CEO of New Caledonian nickel producer Prony Resources. However, a finance ministry spokesperson said it had not been decided yet where the nickel and cobalt would be sourced from for the planned refinery.
RudiRendite, 14.05.2024 21:35 Uhr
When Lambo?? 🤣
grasiGrasmensch, 14.05.2024 21:30 Uhr
Huch, falsch übersetzt. Das Buy wurde aufgrund der aktuellen Lage und den Fakten bekräftigt. Aber auch gut. 😜
grasiGrasmensch, 14.05.2024 21:28 Uhr
Ein neues Buy von einem Analysten mit netten Kursziel.
RudiRendite, 13.05.2024 13:04 Uhr
Canada Nickel Achieves Initial Metallurgical Success at Mann Northwest Property
RudiRendite, 11.05.2024 10:54 Uhr
Biden to Quadruple Tariffs on Chinese EVs Administration is preparing to announce higher levies on range of Chinese goods next week Higher tariffs, which Biden administration officials are preparing to announce on Tuesday, will also hit !!critical minerals. !!, solar goods and batteries sourced from China, according to the people.
RudiRendite, 08.05.2024 18:33 Uhr
Passt zwar nicht ganz zu CNC aber hier noch News zu Ontario - hier entsteht was interessantes: Asahi Kasei to Build a Lithium-ion Battery Separator Plant in Canada
RudiRendite, 03.05.2024 21:08 Uhr
Crux investor Interview with Mark Selby, CEO of Canada Nickel Recording date: 2nd May 2024 Nickel bouncing around on either side of $19,000. Post our last meeting, nickel got up to $19,700 before turning back down, dropping through $19,000 last night for the first time in 2 weeks. LME inventories, after falling down to mid-70 thousand tonnes, have bounced back up to a high 70 thousand tonnes The price rally has been helped by short covering – remember back to pre-Chinese New Year – funds at the largest short position ever (which helped support my case for limiting downside and case for the rally); funds now covered those shorts and are actually positioned slightly long. Positioning pretty neutral generally helps prevent moves from getting too big. For those of you who are long copper, the green signals I saw 5-6 months ago are long gone. We still may see one more surge higher, but I think we’ve topped out for a while. Take some profits INSG put out their April forecast (they meet twice a year). World primary nickel production was 3.060Mt in 2022 and 3.356Mt in 2023, and is forecast to reach 3.554Mt in 2024. The estimates do not include an adjustment factor for possible production disruptions. World primary nickel usage was 2.963Mt in 2022 and 3.193Mt in 2023. The INSG forecasts an increase to 3.445Mt in 2024. Therefore, the implicit market balances are surpluses of 98kt in 2022, 163kt in 2023 and 109kt in 2024. This compares to forecast surpluses last October of 223kt in 2023 and 239kt in 2024. Note INSG only forecasts supply without a disruption allowance, At a 3-5% allowance, their 2024 forecast is effectively a deficit, particularly as they only have 8% demand growth (my forecast is for 10+% this year)
RudiRendite, 01.05.2024 7:07 Uhr
Canada Nickel Company Concludes Successful Participation in Washington, D.C. Summit on North American Critical Minerals Strategy
RudiRendite, 30.04.2024 21:11 Uhr
0 @Magnum314159 Meeting was at 10am today. For Netzero, they are looking at brown field sites around Timmins for the Ni and Stainless steel plants, including the old Met site. They have considered using the Kidd open pit for Reid tailings. They hope to secure funding by end of year. Mark claims that the Canadian Federal and Provincial government along with the American department of defense are supportive of the CNC projects. They are still working on the open pit design for Texmont. Uplisting to the TSX still requires some work. That's what I absorbed. Feel free to correct me if I got anything wrong. @grm9727 The Met sight is on their radar but if a deal cannot be done with Glencore than there are a number of other brown field sites they can go too. The main milling will be done at the mine site and the slurry would be sent to the processing plants. Mark and others are very confident that we will have money from the Fed's and Provincial government as well from the US Gov. before the end of the year, Mark is still in Washington for followup meetings.We should see a steady flow of drill results by next week, lag time is around 6-8 weeks if I remember correctly. How does the purchase by BHP of Anglo effect us....deeper pockets at the table. Agnico gave us the funds to drill out our sites to prove up what we have.The demand for nickel going forward is even strong then people realize. @grm9727 By having money from all level of governments it will de-risk the project completely. They are in talks with several others regarding off takes. I Asked about Honda and the comment was "everyone is looking to lock up supply before others and getting the nickel they need with out being held hostage by suppliers in the future Hier was neues aus einem kanadischem Forum
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