KOŠICE, SLOVAKIA - February 05, 2025 - (SeaPRwire) - Decent Cybersecurity concluded its highly anticipated conference QSEC-CEE 2025 on post-quantum cybersecurity, bringing together experts and innovators at Bistro HÁJE and online, on Jan 31, 2025. The sold-out hybrid event gathered leading cybersecurity professionals from across Central and Eastern Europe, fostering critical discussions on the future of quantum-resistant security solutions. The conference, organized by Decent Cybersecurity, a founding member of the Critical Infrastructure Association of the Slovak Republic (Asociácia kritickej infraštruktúry Slovenskej republiky, AKI), showcased the region's emerging leadership in quantum security innovation. The day opened with powerful keynotes from industry leaders. Matej Michalko, CEO of Decent Cybersecurity, delivered an inspiring vision of Central Europe's role in quantum security, followed by Michaela Abel, COO, who outlined practical steps for building quantum-ready organizations. The program flowed seamlessly through technical and strategic presentations. Ing. Pavol Krcho, PhD. traced the fascinating evolution from punch cards to post-quantum cryptography, while doc. Ing. Jaroslav Sivák CSc. delivered crucial insights on critical infrastructure security. Marek Procháska brought fresh perspectives on the post-quantum future of DevOps. The afternoon sessions saw Ing. Hana Krchová, Ph.D., MBA tackling the future of R&D project management, followed by Mgr. Jozef Binder's exploration of agile methodologies in the quantum era. Certified cybersecurity auditor and manager Ing. Pavol Adámek rounded out the program with a comprehensive overview of NIS2 implementation in Slovakia. "The quantum threat isn't coming – it's here," warned Michaela Abel during her keynote. "And today showed that Central Europe isn't waiting for solutions from Silicon Valley or Tel Aviv. We're building them ourselves." The carefully curated single-track format ensured all attendees, both in-person and virtual, shared the same powerful experience. Live translation services in English, Slovak, and Czech enabled seamless communication across the region. "The energy here is different," noted one attendee from Prague. "It's not just another tech conference – there's real work getting done, whether you're here in person or joining remotely." The choice of venue proved inspired. Bistro HÁJE, perched in Košice's Lorinčík district, offered a refreshing break from sterile conference centers. Between sessions, in-person attendees networked over local specialties while taking in panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, while virtual participants engaged through dedicated networking channels. About Decent Cybersecurity A founding member of the Critical Infrastructure Association of the Slovak Republic, Decent Cybersecurity leads the charge in European cybersecurity solutions, with a laser focus on post-quantum security and critical infrastructure protection. The company holds ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications from TÜV SÜD, and maintains national, EU, and NATO security clearances at the "Secret" level. As a certified provider of cybersecurity audit by the National Security Authority, Decent Cybersecurity brings the highest level of security expertise to protect critical infrastructure and sensitive data. About Critical Infrastructure Association of the Slovak Republic The Critical Infrastructure Association of the Slovak Republic (Asociácia kritickej infraštruktúry Slovenskej republiky, AKI) unites key players in Slovakia's critical infrastructure security sector, driving innovation in national security solutions. About Bistro HÁJE Tucked away at Pod Hájmi 28, Košice-Lorinčík, Bistro HÁJE has become Košice's go-to venue for high-stakes business gatherings. Its blend of professional facilities and stunning natural surroundings offers a welcome departure from conventional conference spaces. For conference materials and future events: www.decentcybersecurity.eu and www.akisr.sk Contact Decent Cybersecurity s.r.o.
05/02/2025 Dissemination of a Financial Press Release, transmitted by EQS News. |
QSEC-CEE 2025 Concludes with Breakthroughs in Quantum Cybersecurity 05.02.2025, 02:30 Uhr von EQS News Jetzt kommentieren: 0

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