
Original-Research: EasyMotionSkin Tec AG - von GBC AG

Einstufung von GBC AG zu EasyMotionSkin Tec AG

Unternehmen: EasyMotionSkin Tec AG

ISIN: LI1147158318

Anlass der Studie: Management Interview

Empfehlung: BUY

Kursziel: 20.00 CHF

Letzte Ratingänderung:

Analyst: Matthias Greiffenberger, Marcel Schaffer

There is a lot of movement at EasyMotionSkin Tec AG - a sales expansion,

expansion of the management team and a possible company acquisition. We

talked about the details with Jürgen Baltes, President of the Board of

Directors and Managing Director, of EasyMotionSkin Tec AG.


EasyMotionSkin offers a sophisticated EMS training system known as the

'world's smallest gym', accessible to beginners and athletes alike. The EMS

suit is equipped with patented dry electrodes that stimulate up to 90% of

the body's muscles with low-frequency electrical pulses. This leads to

increased oxygen uptake, performance enhancement, optimal training effects

and regeneration.  


GBC AG: Before we discuss the latest developments, perhaps a brief

introduction of the products for investors and readers who are not yet

familiar with EasyMotionSkin. What products does EasyMotionSkin offer and

what advantages do the EMS training systems offer users compared to

conventional training equipment? How does the EasyMotionSkin solution

differ from other EMS providers?


Jürgen Baltes: EasyMotionSkin offers an innovative EMS training system that

is ideal for both training and regeneration. As a tech company, we also

offer an easy-to-use app that allows users to choose from different

programmes. Whether fat burning, endurance or recovery - the body muscles

are highly effectively stimulated with low-frequency current pulses in our

high-tech training suit. Our product range is aimed at everyone who wants

to lead a healthier and fitter life. Studies prove the positive effects,

which include muscle building, a purified body, better body tension,

optimised recovery and generally more vitality and performance. We see

ourselves as a premium brand, are Made in Germany and address customers in

both the B2C and B2B sectors with our EMS training system - primarily in

the DACH region, but also globally.


GBC AG: Most recently EasyMotionSkin published that market expectations are

being met. So the strategy seems to be working. Now a change in strategy

has also been published. In addition to the classic one-time sale, a

subscription and rental model is to be offered. How did the strategy change

come about and which customers are to be addressed?

Jürgen Baltes: It is not so much a change as a sales expansion, an

extension. Up to now, we have mainly relied on classic one-off sales, but

now we are adding subscription and rental variants to the range.


The new subscription and rental models can now be used - in addition to

fitness studios, physio and health facilities - by businesses from the

hotel, tourism, beauty and cosmetics sectors. Subscription and rental

solutions are customer-friendly offers that are well received in the B2B

segment. They are easy to calculate and can be integrated effortlessly into

one's own business. Our customers can thus create an uncomplicated entry

into new or additional business and generate regular income without tying

up capital. We as a company will profit from the recurring revenues.


GBC AG: In addition to the adjusted strategy, a personnel change was also

published. How is the management team changing?


Jürgen Baltes: The strategic expansion was accompanied by a personnel

change on 01 March 2023. Christian Keck (54), an internationally

experienced sales professional and entrepreneur with responsibility for

sales and marketing, was recruited to take on the role of Board of

Directors of the public limited company and Managing Director of the GmbH.

The previous member of the board of directors, Michael Spitznagel, will now

devote himself exclusively to the expansion of the franchise concept as

managing director of BodyClub24 GmbH.


GBC AG: The EasyMotionSkin solution is an exciting opportunity for

companies to provide occupational health management. How could this concept

be designed and what advantages does this offer companies?


Jürgen Baltes: With the EasyMotionSkin training system, companies can offer

their employees state-of-the-art possibilities for fitness training and

health promotion within the framework of company health management. Only

recently, a study was published by the Sana Heart Centre in Cottbus that

shows our EMS training to be a highly effective measure within the

framework of occupational health management and clearly confirms the

positive effects, such as more muscle strength, significantly less back

pain, an improvement in performance and generally a (re-)entry into a

healthier, more active lifestyle.


We are noticing growing interest in this area on the part of companies.

Fewer days of absence, high-performing employees and ultimately also the

positioning as an innovative and attractive employer are just some of the

advantages of this fiscally interesting measure for companies.


GBC AG: A highlight last year was that the EasyMotionSkin suit was also

part of the ISS space mission 'Cosmic Kiss'. Will there be a follow-up

mission and what was the result of the last space mission?


Jürgen Baltes: Participation in the ESA space mission 'Cosmic Kiss' was

certainly an accolade for our EMS training system. The German astronaut

Matthias Maurer - under the scientific direction of the Charité Berlin -

successfully trained on the ISS with EasyMotionSkin against muscle atrophy

and bone loss. Fortunately, there are currently talks concerning future

space projects. I am not allowed to say more at this point.


GBC AG: EasyMotionSkin is currently looking into the acquisition of

BodyClub 24 GmbH. How did this come about and what exactly does BodyClub 24

do? What added value can be achieved through the takeover?


Jürgen Baltes: The BodyClub offers attractive EMS training with the

BodyClub app, which enables synchronised training - that is, training

exercises and impulses are optimally coordinated. Potential operators are

offered a ready-to-use and future-oriented franchise concept that offers

entrepreneurs, investors, career changers as well as founders a promising

business with an established premium brand in the upscale fitness market.


Integrating the BodyClub into EasyMotionSkin Tec AG is a sensible measure

from which both sides can benefit in the long term. With its own franchise

model in the company, EasyMotionSkin will of course remain a system

supplier in the future, obtain additional point of sale locations in the

core market and will generate new sales potential through scaling effects.

Our product will be expanded with first-class video content to animated

trainings and thus we address a new target group that particularly values

this offer.


The 'EasyMotionSkin BodyClub' in turn - that would be the future name -

should be happy about additional manpower, resources and infrastructure -

and thus about more marketing effects, reputation and efficiency in product

and system development.


GBC AG: Finally, a brief outlook. Where do you see the company in 5 years?


Jürgen Baltes: The company will continue on its chosen path. We are

focusing on a strong expansion in the B2B area - especially through

strategic partnerships with strong players in the market who want to enter

into synergies with our premium brand and offer or transport our highly

effective training technology. This will open up new target groups and

market segments for us.


With the expansion of the sales strategy, we are anchoring ourselves more

strongly in existing and new market segments. Marketing measures such as

those as sponsor of the German Hockey Association and the bobsleigh team

around Hansi Lochner ensure broad-based awareness. Scientific research

results such as the successful participation in the ESA space mission

'Cosmic Kiss' or the Sana Heart Centre study prove the effectiveness and

tangibly ensure acceptance and appreciation.


GBC AG: Thank you very much for the interview.


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Datum (Uhrzeit) der Fertigstellung: 14.03.2023 (09:30 Uhr)

Datum (Uhrzeit) der ersten Veröffentlichung: 15.03.2023 (12:00 Uhr)

-übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.-

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