Munich, 22. January 2025: Timber Factory – the building complex by UBM Development and ARE Austrian Real Estate – is Munich’s first commercial campus in a timber hybrid design and has approx. 59,500 square metres of gross floor area in total, making it the biggest timber construction project in the Bavarian capital. The sales launch in 2024 and planning permission for Unit 1 have given extra momentum to the project development in Munich’s Moosach district. Building is scheduled to begin in the third quarter of 2025. Timber Factory combines production and development space and also office and retail space for a variety of commercial and light industry solutions in the areas of life science, automobiles, robotics, electric mobility and IT. This is an innovation on the market. Manufacturing companies in particular will benefit for the first time from the advantages of sustainable construction and the flair of “new work” concepts. The sustainability of this centrally situated campus is excellent, with its climate-friendly timber hybrid design and its energy concept consisting of various regenerative energy sources such as heat pumps and photovoltaic systems that minimize the carbon footprint. Altogether, this results in the lowest possible energy consumption with the greatest possible degree of independence – without fossil fuels. Its green overall concept allows the project to pursue DGNB Platinum certification. It also fulfils EU taxonomy (ESG) compliance standards and the KfW 40 standard (issued by the German Credit Institute for Reconstruction, KfW). In Timber Factory, around 8,000 cubic metres of wood are being used for the timber hybrid supporting structure alone, meaning that around 8,000 tonnes of CO2 are locked up over the long term. Besides this, the building contractors are including extensive amounts of wood for the facade panelling and in the interior. In a total of four buildings, 27,600 square metres of rentable office space are planned for Timber Factory. Over 24,000 square metres are available in two buildings as commercial and production space for tenants. 3,350 square metres for retail and food outlets contribute an urban feel to this real estate project. The first spaces could be potentially ready for use as early as 2027. With its flexible room sizes and the features on offer, the project developer is targeting commercial tenants. The concept enables use purely as an office or as space for light industry with above-average room heights and load weights. High-tech laboratories or retail stores and food outlets can find premises in this timber hybrid environment and profit from its synergies. Important features such as storey heights of up to 4.5 metres or live loads of up to 1.5 tonnes per square metre were taken into account during planning. Usage by heavy goods vehicles and goods lifts are integral parts of the concept. Timber Factory lives up to its name on the outside as well. Wood was chosen by the building contractors as a sustainable raw material for the facade. The clear shapes designed by architectural firms 03 Arch. and HK Architekten for this construction material give it a progressive appearance. Four stagged structures with up to twelve storeys, sizeable windows and lush greenery on the roofs and in open-air spaces create a modern and inspiring work environment. The facts at a glance:
Press contact Johannes Stühlinger Alexandra Tryfoniuk About UBM Development UBM Development is one of Europe’s leading developers of timber construction projects. The strategic focus is on green and smart building in major cities such as Vienna, Munich, Frankfurt and Prague. Its EcoVadis Platinum rating and Prime Status by ISS ESG confirm the consistent focus on sustainability. With over 150 years of experience, UBM offers all development services from a single source, from planning to marketing. The company’s shares are listed on the Prime Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, the segment with the highest transparency requirements. About ARE Austrian Real Estate ARE Austrian Real Estate is one of Austria’s leading real estate companies, with 597 properties and around 35 projects in development. One of its main areas of expertise is developing high-quality and progressive commercial and residential quarters. The company’s activities are always focused on the highest sustainability standards and commitment to climate protection. Offering 1.9 million m² of rentable building space in total, ARE stands for the highest level of stability and safety. Its comprehensive expertise enables ARE to tackle complex tasks reliably. Issuer: UBM Development AG Key word(s): Real estate
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Munich’s first commercial campus in timber hybrid design is set for construction 22.01.2025, 09:36 Uhr von EQS News Jetzt kommentieren: 0

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