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NEMASKA LITHIUM WKN: A1JQUB ISIN: CA64045C1068 Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

0,10 EUR
±0,00 %±0,00
17. Jun, 07:15:30 Uhr, TTMzero RT
Kommentare 207
Mef36, 09.12.2020 15:16 Uhr
Bei mir wurde es auch ausgebucht.
Eigthball, 09.12.2020 8:32 Uhr
Bei mir wurden alle Anteile mit 0,000 CAD von meiner Bank ausgebucht . Für mich ist hier schluss!
cartman077, 06.11.2020 12:22 Uhr
Babapappa, 06.10.2020 6:41 Uhr
Lithium Corp Aktie zieht 58 % an top
Eigthball, 02.09.2020 9:00 Uhr
So wie ich das verstehe ist "Schicht im Schacht!" und wird ausgetragen aus dem Depot.
Blackstar, 26.08.2020 18:31 Uhr
Gibt wohl so eine Art "Restwert" Papier...
Blackstar, 26.08.2020 18:18 Uhr
Macht mal bitte jemand einen Spruch, was das bedeutet. Danke
Blackstar, 26.08.2020 18:17 Uhr
Nemaska Lithium (TSX: NMX) has reached a conclusion in its ongoing CCAA proceedings, with the result being that shareholders, unsurprisingly, are left with nothing. The company announced that it has accepted a sales proposal, with its main assets being purchased by a group that consists of the firms largest secured creditor, Orion Mine Finance, Investissement Québec, and the Pallinghurst Group.  While the news release put out by the company this morning is rather complex, the short of it comes down to the fact that current shares in Nemaska will be exchanged for what is referred to as “Residual Nemaska Lithium”. The assets remaining will consist of certain cash amounts, which will largely be used to enable a plan of compromise or arrangement with the firms remaining creditors. The Residual Nemaska Lithium will continue as the reporting issuer following the asset purchase. On the operations side of things, the group will acquire the Nemaska entities and assets through what is referred to as a reverse vesting order. The sponsors, whom are Investissement Québec and The Pallinghurst Group, will each own a 50% stake in a new entity that will be acquiring the entities and assets of Nemaska. This entity, once out of CCAA proceedings, will then amalgamate with an entity controlled by Orion Mine Finance, to form what is referred to as “New Nemaska Lithium.” The sponsors will then invest up to $600 million in the project to push it forward. The New Nemaska will then assume at least $146.5 million worth of liabilities, including current secured claims by Orion and Johnson Matthey Battery Materials, from the current public issuer. Current cash on hand with the public vehicle will remain, subject to certain undisclosed adjustments. It should also be noted that the New Nemaska will retain substantially all current employees of the public issuer. The result of this however, is that New Nemaska Lithium will not be a reporting issuer within Canada – meaning current shareholders no longer receive exposure to it. If approved by the courts, the transaction is expected to close by October 15, 2020. Nemaska Lithium remains halted as a result of the ongoing bankruptcy proceedings.
Blackstar, 26.08.2020 8:31 Uhr
Käufer hat sich gefunden, im Oktober geht es weiter. Mal schauen was mit den Aktien dann passiert. Ich erwarte hier keine Gewinne, nur noch die Möglichkeit die Papiere irgendwo los zu bekommen.
Blackstar, 18.08.2020 8:26 Uhr
Hmmm...nicht gut. Hatte ich schon mal, die wird dann einfach aus dem Depot ausgetragen und die Verluste werden nicht verrechnet. Ich kann mir irgendwie nicht mehr vorstellen, daß die ganze Suche nach Investoren irgendwelche Ergebnisse bringt.
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