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Axovant Gene Therapies WKN: A2PJ4V ISIN: BMG0750W2037 Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

1,85 EUR
+3,35 %+0,06
16. Nov, 23:26:40 Uhr, Tradegate
Kommentare 26
Schorsch11, 19.10.2019 13:15 Uhr
72% aller Aktien werden von institutionellen Investoren gehalten bzw. einer Tochtergesellschaft von Axovant
Schorsch11, 19.10.2019 12:59 Uhr
Axovant Gene Therapies Ltd.  Three Q4'19 Catalysts For Axovant Summary AXGT expects to report data from three trials in Q4'19. AXGT's gene therapy for Parkinson's disease has already produced promising data earlier this year. Upcoming data in Parkinson's disease comes from patients treated with a higher dose. Axovant Gene Therapies (AXGT) is running three clinical programs on three gene therapy candidates for neurological and developmental disorders. Readouts from all three programs are expected in Q4'19, presenting an opportunity for a trade, which is the focus of this article. AXGT's three clinical programs include a trial of AXO-LENTI-PD, a gene therapy for Parkinson's disease, a trial on AXO-AAV-GM2, a gene therapy for GM2 gangliosidosis and a trial on AXO-AAV-GM1, a gene therapy for GM1 gangliosidosis.
Schorsch11, 19.10.2019 12:59 Uhr
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