NIU TECH. ADR/2 A -,0001 WKN: A2N7LN ISIN: US65481N1000 Kürzel: NIU Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

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15. Jan, 23:00:14 Uhr, L&S Exchange
Kommentare 2.488
DareDevil, 09.10.2024 23:05 Uhr

Die NXT Serie ist next Generation. Die Features sind wirklich einmalig. Die sind den aktuellen Rollern mindestens eine Generation voraus.

Und das NT alle neuen Modelle der N-Reihe? Mein P Kisbee fährt ca. 200 km 1 Tankfüllung, Reichweite+ Ladezeit finde ich ausschlaggebend, aber wenn die NXT-Technik zuverlässig funktioniert, dann sehen einige KFZ-Assistenzsysteme alt dagegen aus und Chinesen sollen ja technikaffiner als wir sein. Gute Voraussetzungen. Bezüglich der Kickscooter, wie viel Marge haben die?(Nix gefunden) X morgen schauen. Kurs kann gerne zurücklaufen, zum ggfs nachkaufen🙋
DareDevil, 09.10.2024 22:49 Uhr
0 Nxt
Polyhistor, 09.10.2024 20:13 Uhr
Die NXT Serie ist next Generation. Die Features sind wirklich einmalig. Die sind den aktuellen Rollern mindestens eine Generation voraus.
Polyhistor, 09.10.2024 19:43 Uhr
Die NXT Premium Serie ist das highend Gerät welches mittlerweile 25% des Umsatzes in China ausmacht.... Wenn die Kickscpoter die 1/2 Mil. im Sales knacken, dann rechnen sie mit deutlcihe Verbesserungen in den Produktionskostwn sowie die anstehenden Vorteile im Bereich Überseetransport und Frachtkosten insgesamt
DareDevil, 09.10.2024 13:32 Uhr
2021: 998Tsd Scooter in China Q4 205Tsd, denke Q3 günstigere Preise Q4 Winter,
DareDevil, 09.10.2024 12:51 Uhr
Habe versucht die mir relevant scheinenden Aspekte in den Chat zu bringen, soll kein Spam sein 🙈🙋
DareDevil, 09.10.2024 12:48 Uhr

Das hört sich sehr gut an

Ich verstehe es noch nicht so ganz. Kickscooter sind bis 0,5Mio Units ein Verlustgeschäft und die verkaufen 150Tsd 24, Mopeds/Roller werden fast nur noch in China verkauft, da kommen die neuen Modelle aber scheinbar gut an und sind profitabel🤔
Polyhistor, 09.10.2024 12:40 Uhr
Das hört sich sehr gut an
DareDevil, 09.10.2024 12:34 Uhr
Aus CC Q4/23 zu Rollern in China: So you look at the entire market, the volume above RMB3,500, that volume is basically somewhere around 14 million to 16 million units. So within that, let’s call that our addressable market at 14 million to 16 million units. And with that number, last year we only did about 600,000. So even with this year’s forecast, I think the market is still — the addressable market is still very significant and large than our volume target
DareDevil, 09.10.2024 12:07 Uhr

Warum jetzt? Weil ich zufällig auf diese Aktie gestoßen bin und Potential gesehen habe 😅

OK, danke für den Link. Der Einstieg war nicht glücklich,sic, wie es sich gerade entwickelt, bin selber mit EK 2,14 und Mini-Position seit 12/23 dabei.🙋
DareDevil, 09.10.2024 11:16 Uhr
0 A  key highlight of this quarter was a successful launch of NXT model. The NXT series, characterized by its innovative design and advanced technology, was met with substantial market approval. It contributes 25% of our total sales revenue in China market this quarter, The NXT, is the most premium scooter in this lineup, boosts the most advanced technology to-date. The market received the NXT series exceptionally well, marking our initial venture into targeting young demographics, with scooter products. To further expand our product lineup targeting the Gen Z demographics, we have introduced the NPlay and the UMax into the market. The NPlay was officially launched in March at a starting price of RMB 4,399, quickly becoming a competitive product among the young university students. Building on the momentum from NXT and NPlay, we’re launching another product, the UMax, completing our offering for the young consumer Starting at $699, the KQi 300 series was met with great popularities, upon its pre-order period. The KQi 300 will be officially made available in Q2 this year, and
DareDevil, 09.10.2024 10:21 Uhr
0 In Q1, we introduced the NXT, our most premium electric bicycle price at RMB12,499. It quickly became the leading product in segments, equipped with advanced features like full-function ABS, TCS, blind spot detection, a car-grade dashboard, and a millimeter wave radar. Riding on this success, we launched the NPlay electric motorcycle and the UMax electric bicycle designed to appear to the young Gen Z riders. The NPlay inherits the classic and design and the UMax offers a larger form factor, inherits the classic U-series design. Additionally, we focus on female demographics by launching upgraded U1E in March coincided with the International Women’s Day, combining the classic design with user-friendly and safety-focused features. Those new products are well received, collectively accounting for more than 50% of units sold in Q2, underscoring our strategic focus on targeting product development. We prepared the launch of UMax, our most premium electric motorcycles, which was recently released in the market in July. The UMax offers a customizable smoke, smart tire pressure monitoring system, high-quality dual disc brakes, and adjustable suspension for smooth ride. Equipped with the most up-to-date new smart functionality, the UMax is priced from RMB6,500 to RMB20,900 To continue to explore products targeting the Gen Z user group, we recently launched the [NT Play], an electric bicycle that inherited the classic design of the N-Series and combined the advanced motorcycle grid handling in electric bikes.Equipped with smart features such as keyless ignition, TCS traction control, cruise control, and push-pull assist during the ride, the NT is priced competitively at RMB4,499. Q2, we introduced the KQi 300 series as a significant update to the popular KQi 3 series,The KQi 300 sold over 10,000 units in the first few months during its launch, and then quickly attracted attention from influencers, media, and industry. Q&A: As I just explained, starting from this year, we plan to launch the high-end, that as a motorcycle in our premium series. Normally in domestic market, we set a bar that the MSRP above 4,500 is our premium series. And below that is our mass premium series. And this year, our high-end lead-acid motorcycles, the cheapest model of our high-end lead-acid one, is around RMB4,800. So this means, and we also launched the other lead-acid, high-end motorcycles set the price around RMB6,000 to RMB8,000 MSRP, which is also the leader in the premium market in our premium series and also in – China market. Externally, key markets in Europe, like Germany, France, and Dutch regions, saw a significant drop in the total market volume after withdrawal of government subsidies for clean energy product, leading to over a 50% decrease in total market size. Kickscooter: We still expect that once when our sales volume reach around 0.5 million sales volume in total in the overseas markets, we are able to see the scale of economy benefits from the production cost, and also the bargaining power in the shipping and logistic cost. But below those sales volumes, since we sell it across the U.S. and the EU, there is no strong benefit from the cost reduction way for us. And in the meantime, we didn’t expect the kick scooter as a profit stream to our company. W
JACKistBACK, 09.10.2024 10:21 Uhr
Wollte schon letzte Woche rein allerdings war mir das Momentum zu groß.
JACKistBACK, 09.10.2024 10:19 Uhr
Habe den rücksetzer genutzt nach 3 Jahren hier eben wieder eingestiegen.
crazy2invest, 09.10.2024 2:22 Uhr
crazy2invest, 09.10.2024 2:22 Uhr

Warum jetzt? Die lag neun Monate wesentlich tiefer. Sind nicht profitabel. Erwartung liegt bei 1,8€. Habe versucht mich mit den Modellen auseinander zu setzen, bezüglich China. Markt. Leider vergebens, wollte ggfs nachkaufen, jetzt ist der Kurs davongelaufen😱 Abwarten, bis die Zahlen eindeutig sind. Vielleicht wird es 1 Tenbagger, wünsche ich uns allen.🙋

Warum jetzt? Weil ich zufällig auf diese Aktie gestoßen bin und Potential gesehen habe 😅
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